School Life

Wake up bell [5.00 am]- which not only wakes up us but the school neighbours too.
Morning PT [530am-6.30am]- the hardest time in a day. I always felt that she (our PT teacher) wants us to get participated in the upcoming Olympics.
Morning milk [6.30am]- no comments.
Personal cleaning [6.30am-7.00am]-This time usually steals by dormitory cleaning, preparation for assembly programmes etc etc. There were times the bell rang at school while I’m bathing. A walk to school takes 5minutes but normally we sprint, enters classroom with ribbons, ear-studs and other accessories in hand. Everyone settles down only when teacher enters.
Is this time shortage is my fault? I know I’m lazy enough to be late. I looked around while I’m tying my ribbon. No… everyone is in a hurry. Some of the boys were wearing even socks and some other wearing ties within the classroom itself. I feel proud of being better than them. The bell rang for assembly.
Assembly [7.30am-8.00am]- The beautiful part of the day.
Class hours begin. Towards the end of January (after portion got over) boys and girls were separated as school authorities think that we get distracted from studies if we are put together in a same class. But it makes us really happy to some extent. We were free to do anything we want, as any boys did not watch us up. Some shape their nails, polishes their shoes and almost all makeup we done from the classroom itself. Some keeps the shoes in the classroom, wears chappel from the hostel and gets changed. I think we are getting distracted only after separation.
It is followed by an array of events without any gap till we slept at night @ 10.30pm. There were many tough times, but didn’t get a moment to think and to get upset on it.
What a life???

-Athira M. K.
Roll no.: 853

This is my first post which I have written and posted in Days. Days is no longer active, so I re-post it in tulips.


  1. oh...dose dayz are awesme......vistas bound memories.......

  2. times i feel like hw meaningless is ma life without my school life...i often thank god for dose 7 yrs..being part of ma life..

  3. @amjith: dose 7yrs realy made our lyf meaningful and made gr8 bonds 2o.. :)

  4. marvelous da…. miss tat golden dayzzzz

  5. Nice… memorizes those good old days…!!

  6. hmm fascinatd by writng??!

  7. genuine matrz..detaild format


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