Last days in my College

Seventh semester also ended up with not much hustle and bustle. University exams, lab exams, project design presentation all have finished. How the time can move this much fast??? I still remember the day when I joined the college for Engineering of four years. Now, only one more semester is remaining before me. I’m quite sure that it is not only my case but a thought with several others who are in their final semester of

Hey all, have u enjoyed your college days or are you happy with your life so far?? No need to answer me, just answer yourself. If your answer is yes, then move on guys. Otherwise think about yourself, about your ways of enjoyment. For some it is the happiness that you get when you learn a new subject. Or when you find something out of what you have studied. For some it is the moments that you share with your friends and dear ones. Whatever it will be, find time to enjoy in your way. We hardly have four or five months. Days move faster than us. So don’t give a chance of regret about the lost days in college. In future we won’t get time to share our success, our birthdays, gossip…(endless list).

Who knows where you will be and where he/she will be???

- Athira M. K.


  1. Great post =)
    I am going through the same thing next week is my last week of classes and then I am stuck with exams =)

  2. even though some ppl do nt njoy colg life, dey pretend as they r njoyng their colg lif 2 d maxim.....gr8 post dude.....a thinkable 1....rock onn....


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