Red T-shirt
I filled the coffee-mug with half-boiled coffee of our hostel and took out my notepad and started scribbling. I've a reason to write now. Today evening I went to JNV Kollam in connection with some sports events of my college. My role was only a coordinator, not a participant. Boys with red, blue, green and yellow colored t-shirt with JNV Kollam print on the back flooded to the ground. I also had one which said "JNV Alleppey" with black dye. The t-shirt which I washed only on weekends. I had done plenty of hard work with that t-shirt on. It smelt my sweat. Some days I felt even my bones are cracking with this hard core courses. It witnessed morning PT, evening games, yoga classes and many more things. It was with that t-shirt we take a power nap of five minutes after brushing the teeth in the morning. Some even sleep with that t-shirt so that they could wake up a little bit late compared to others. No PT today was an everyday wish of almost every students. That was a ti...