The Beach

Colored kites flew over the sky,

Coloring the curious petite minds.

Waves taken away the castle, making

The child architect glared in return.

A gang of teens sensed the saltiness,

When the sea had put them down.

All the impressions left in them

But neither in the sand nor in the water.

He lied on the sand facing the sun

She sat aside, and leaned forward

Shielding the sun falling on his face.

They walked along the shore

Hand in hand supporting each other

In their retired life.

All are going through ages, having changes

Only the sea remains eternal,

Changeless watching the changes.

-Athira M. K.
#my first poem


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  2. lovely poem and sorry for not reply back to your request about the books (I was out of town and didnt get the chance to check my inbox - sorry )

    Also, thank you so much for your lovely comment


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