I woke up hearing a classical song from the other room. This practice for the ‘Voice of Rithu’ must have been started from the early morning. All others in my room are still sleeping. Yesterday’s late night dumbsherads made us so tired. The timepiece which kept aside the pillow showed 6 ‘O’ clock. Somehow I stepped down the double decker bed and headed towards the browsing zone. On the way, I took some water from the water purifier. Even though the hostel mess provides black coffee, I prefer this. Though the browsing zone exists in the corners of every floor, it is fairly occupied often. I checked my fb notifications and the mail inbox. Nothing unusual… quite an ordinary day. I have given a full stop for my browsing; otherwise it steals my whole day. On the way back to my room, I entered room no: 57. My intention was to borrow Gopika’s ADA notebook for copying yesterday’s problems. In the room I found her along with other three, cracking some code for the online programming competi...
I filled the coffee-mug with half-boiled coffee of our hostel and took out my notepad and started scribbling. I've a reason to write now. Today evening I went to JNV Kollam in connection with some sports events of my college. My role was only a coordinator, not a participant. Boys with red, blue, green and yellow colored t-shirt with JNV Kollam print on the back flooded to the ground. I also had one which said "JNV Alleppey" with black dye. The t-shirt which I washed only on weekends. I had done plenty of hard work with that t-shirt on. It smelt my sweat. Some days I felt even my bones are cracking with this hard core courses. It witnessed morning PT, evening games, yoga classes and many more things. It was with that t-shirt we take a power nap of five minutes after brushing the teeth in the morning. Some even sleep with that t-shirt so that they could wake up a little bit late compared to others. No PT today was an everyday wish of almost every students. That was a ti...
He came to check whether his six year old daughter has fallen asleep. He felt a shadow of sadness over her face. He asked his little princess, the reason. Her reply was a question. Dad, why my skin looks so black? She was having a great complex over her dark complexion. He sat next to her and told a meaningful story as a reply. Once upon a time, a big festival happened in a small village. There a balloon seller was selling hydrogen filled balloons. He was attracting the children gathered by leaving the colorful hydrogen balloon to fly in the air. All children surrounded him to buy those beautiful balloons of their favorite colors. Some bought red, some pink, some yellow...green...blue... but a black boy stood looking the seller. The balloon seller asks that black boy- “What are you looking for?". The black boy asked in a kind way "Can that black one also fly". Then that balloon seller took a black balloon filled it with air and made it to fly. The boy seemed very ...
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